United Utilities Cold Weather Advice
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
As we have experienced with Coronavirus(Covid-19) a pandemic can happen anywhere, at any time of the year. It can spread easily across the world and infect many people in a short time.
Control measures applied during Coronavirus (Covid-19) included asking people to stay at home, wash their hands regularly, wear a face covering and to socially distance. Parts of the economy were temporarily closing down and measures were taken to manage demand on our NHS and social care system, promote good infection control, coordinate vaccination and testing programmes, and put procedures in place to cope with increased death rates.
Pandemic disease can affect anyone and usually occurs in waves that can affect up to half of the UK population, causing significant loss of life. This results in health and social care systems facing greater demand, and those who are vulnerable maybe at greater risk of infection. Businesses and organisations could experience disruptions through staff shortages and supply chain interruptions.
These are broad principles, advice at the time will be based on scientific evidence which will differ from pandemic to pandemic.
Try to stay healthy as this is the best defence against illness.
Get a seasonal flu jab and/or other recommended vaccines.
Follow good hygiene to prevent the spread-carry tissues and use them to catch coughs or sneezes, then bin the tissues and kill the germs by washing your hands.
Keep a stock of over-the-counter cold and flu medication to help relieve symptoms.
Sign up to receive alerts and information about risks in your area.
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Follow the latest government advice.
Guidance and support-GOV.UK
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
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