What kind of emergencies can affect me?

Preparing for an emergency in Lancashire

An emergency can have serious consequences, threatening lives and property. You can help protect yourself and your family by being prepared if the unexpected happens. This will ensure emergency responders are free to look after those who most need their help. 

What to do if there is an emergency

If the danger is outside, go in, stay in and tune in

If you are not involved in the emergency but are close by, or think you are at risk, go inside. Close all doors and windows, stay in your home, school or work place and listen to local radio and TV stations for updates until you are told it is safe to leave.

If the danger is inside, get out, stay out and call the Emergency Services

Secure your property before you leave and don’t return home until you are told it is safe to do so. Always follow instructions from the Emergency Services.

What can I do to prepare in advance?

Making a Household Emergency Plan only takes a few minutes but could be a real life-saver

Emergency pack

Prepare an emergency pack of essential items. This should include anything you might need if you have to leave your home at short notice.

Sign up for alerts

To receive news and information about risks in your area, how to prepare and how to respond.

Once you have submitted your details below you will be taken through to Neighbourhood Alert to complete your registration for Stay In The Know

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