United Utilities Cold Weather Advice
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
One in six properties in England are at risk of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. Lancashire is particularly susceptible to natural flooding hazards due to its varied geography, covering rural land, dense urban areas, coastal stretches, lowlands and uplands. Climate change is increasing the risk of flooding to both coastal and inland communities. The Environment Agency helps keep the public informed by issuing flood alerts and warnings based on river and sea levels.
Flooding can cause significant damage to communities and the economy. The average cost of flooding to a home is around £30,000 and to a business £82,000. The effects on mental health can last for months and even years. Environmental impacts include pollution, harm to livestock and wildlife, and destruction of habitats. Disruption to power supplies and transport networks is a risk and in the most severe cases, floods can cause injury and death.
Know your flood risk. Check GOV.UK or call the Environment Agency’s Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
Sign up for free flood alerts and warnings from the Environment Agency or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188
If your home or business is located in a flood risk area, visit The Flood Hub for support in creating flood plans for your household, business and community.
Prepare an emergency pack and keep it within easy reach if needed.
Protect your property with flood defense products such as flood doors, flood boards and airbrick covers. The National Flood Forum’s independent directory of flood protection products and services - Blue Pages - can help you select what you need.
Buying sandbags might help, but first check GOV.UK for advice on sandbags and how best to protect your home. You can buy them from your local DIY store and keep them in a shed or garage in case of an emergency.
Keep drains and gutters clear of leaves. If you notice drains on your road are blocking up, report it to Lancashire County Council, Blackburn With Darwen Borough Council, or Blackpool Council.
Know how to turn off your water, gas and electricity. You can visit www.powercut105.com or call 105 to report or get information about power cuts in your local area.
Make sure your insurance covers flooding.
Join a flood action group, a voluntary group of local residents who work on behalf of their community to try and reduce the impact of future flood events and take action during an incident.
If you are likely to need extra support during disruption to power or water supplies, register with United Utilities and Electricity North West for priority services.
Sign up to receive alerts and information about risks in your area.
Follow #lancsalert on social media.
Flooding in Lancashire
A charity to help, support and represent people at risk of flooding
Association of British Insurers
Guidance which provides advice for everyone on how to keep you and your family safe while cleaning up your home affected by flooding.
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
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