Who we are

Lancashire Resilience Forum is a partnership of member agencies, including those defined under the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004 by responder 'categories':

  • Category 1 responders are organisations that are directly involved in the response to an emergency. These responders are subject to a number of civil protection obligations.

  • Category 2 responders are those who have a role to play in response but are less directly involved. The Act does not place such stringent duties on these responders but does require that they share information appropriate to managing emergencies and cooperate fully with the Local Resilience Forum.

The Lancashire Resilience Forum (LRF) partner agencies work together to ensure that if and when an emergency occurs, we are prepared to respond together and minimise any impact.

What we do

We are one of a number of Local Resilience Forums across England established in response to the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004 to provide a new legislative framework for civil protection in the event of emergencies in the UK.

In the event of an incident, the partnership agencies that form the LRF join forces to:

  • Consider the hazards that feature in Lancashire, assessing the impacts of the risk and providing this information to the public in a Community Risk Register.

  • Create plans to help make the risks safer, setting out how we will come together to respond should an emergency happen, and how we can help people get back to normal afterwards.

  • Ensure our response is coordinated when things do go wrong.

  • Carry out training and testing to make sure we are ready.

  • Identify lessons from incidents and exercises, learning as we go along to improve how we respond in the future.

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Latest news


United Utilities Cold Weather Advice

What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.

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Lrf10699 Social News

Vacancies - Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Posts

We have some exciting opportunities to join the Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Team!

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Electricity North West

Electricity North West prepared for Storm Ashley

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Get in touch

If you have any comments, questions or are experiencing any issues with the website, please get in touch by completing the form.

The mailbox isn't monitored 24/7, so please do not use this for emergencies.

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