United Utilities Cold Weather Advice
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
The Lancashire Resilience Forum is carrying out a project that is looking to enhance the existing formal emergency response protocols, undertaken by Category 1 and 2 responders, by adding the power of the local community. The primary objective is to provide community groups with access to resilient telecommunications equipment to support the joined-up multi-agency response.
The Lancashire Resilience Forum will work with community groups to conduct an assessment of their resilient telecommunications to identify the key gaps in their equipment.
Then, once provided with the relevant telecommunications equipment, the community groups will be able to set up Community Based Communication Hubs that, during an incident, feed information and intelligence into their local authorities to provide real-time situational awareness to assist the wider multi-agency response. All relevant guidance documentation and training will be provided.
Some expected benefits to community groups include:
We are seeking expressions of interest from community groups to be part of our project to pilot this initiative. Successful community groups will meet the following criteria:
Well-established, active group in the local community.
Has in place a community emergency plan.
Willing to take ownership of any equipment provided to them – this will involve maintenance and financial contribution to cover the costs of any ongoing maintenance.
To apply please submit an expression of interest of no more than 1000 words / 2-pages to provide information about your community group, the area it supports, the type of risks it supports (e.g., flooding), details of any community emergency plans in place and why you feel your group would be good to pilot this initiative.
Please submit applications to the Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Team at lrfsecretariat@lancashire.police.uk.
We look forward to hearing from you!
What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.
We have some exciting opportunities to join the Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Team!
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