Check out the Met Office campaign to get you safely through severe weather

As the nights draw in and the temperatures drop, it’s time for the Met Office to launch its 2022 WeatherReady campaign.

Their annual initiative helps individuals, families and communities prepare for and cope with severe weather with a series of pages on its website: WeatherReady - Met Office.

These provide up-to-date, expert seasonal advice from carefully selected organisations to help you plan and respond to the weather, so that you can stay safe and well.

The content, created in partnership with a range of agencies, from Age UK and the NHS to the Department for Transport and the Salvation Army, will help you protect yourselves and your families, your homes and businesses – and look out for vulnerable neighbours too.

The WeatherReady pages include advice on a variety of subjects, such as keeping your home warm, preparing your vehicle and protecting your property from floods.

You can also find help and information on what to do before, during and after an emergency caused by cold weather and snow, storms and gales and flooding on the Protect yourself pages of this website.

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