September is Preparedness Month, and we're supporting the #30days30waysUK campaign.


In Lancashire, we have over 70 partners engaged with the local resilience forum (LRF) to take care of its 1.53 million residents. But there's lots you can do - as individuals and as businesses - to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

This month, many dedicated professional volunteers from across the country will generously give their time and expertise as part of the 30days30waysUK month of learning, so please do access the daily resources shared by partners and follow their social media accounts year round to stay updated.

You can also play along on a resilience bingo, by downloading the image below, or directly from their website 👉

Each daily #30days30waysUK topic has a corresponding icon to cross off. That way it is easy and fun to keep track of your personal preparedness progress. All 30 days completed? BINGO!

  • COMPLETE the daily activities via google quiz, found on their social media

  • WATCH the weekly panels live or on YouTube catch up.

  • TAKE PART in their annual household preparedness survey

  • TOP TIP: explore the linked resources throughout the 30days30ways website, dip into the extensive YouTube playlist throughout ‘September is Preparedness Month’

Useful webinars for partners, public and schools (links available on the 30days30ways website -

02 September 11.00am Panel 1: Introduction | watch the live event in MS teams or YouTube catch up

05 September 11.00am Panel 2: First week themes | watch the live event in MS teams or YouTube catch up

15 September 11.00am Panel 3: Second week themes | watch the live event in MS teams or YouTube catch up

22 September 11.00am Panel 4: Third week themes | watch the live event in MS teams or YouTube catch up

29 September 11.00am Panel 5: Final week themes | watch the live event in MS teams or YouTube catch up

Have fun, learn lots - and apply that learning.

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To receive news and information about risks in your area, how to prepare and how to respond.

Once you have submitted your details below you will be taken through to Neighbourhood Alert to complete your registration for Stay In The Know

Latest news


United Utilities Cold Weather Advice

What to do when pipes freeze, thaw and burst in the cold weather.

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Lrf10699 Social News

Vacancies - Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Posts

We have some exciting opportunities to join the Lancashire Resilience Forum Secretariat Team!

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Electricity North West

Electricity North West prepared for Storm Ashley

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